And In A Blink Of An Eye, Its All Over…


So thats it, christmas 2015 is over. Even though I was not prepared for it this year and it sprung up on me at the last minute, I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I feel rather glum its over and I am sat looking at my tree thinking, how can it be?

Moo and H were literally spoilt rotten and received so much. H got his much loved and very much hard to find Paw Patroller and Moo got her very  hard to find and very rare My Little Pony Equestrian doll. As well as both receiving Lego and lots of other lovely bits, this year I can honestly say they did well.

This year we spent it with family and over the two days had so much fun. Two days spent eating, drinking, laughing and being very merry.

The run up to christmas was not as fun, I suffered a terrible chest infection which was so bad I was laid up for the best part of last week. A few years ago I suffered with pneumonia and we were all worried that it was another case. With strong antibiotics and some steroid pumps I was good to go on Christmas day!

We spent Christmas Day with my mum and her partner and it was so much fun. My sister, her partner and two boys came too and it was so lovely to spend time as a family together as its not often you get us all in the same room. My mum cooked dinner and we filled ourselves till we couldn’t move. One thing I love about christmas with my mum, is her partner always has these quirky little games and its one thing I look forward to and get us all thinking. I am actually rubbish at them, but my sister and her partner proved to be quite the team!

We arrived home in time for Stick Man – I do love the Julia Donaldson adaptions! We literally did nothing all evening and both Moo and H were so tired and excited for the following days antics they went straight to bed.

Boxing day we went to the in-laws. We had a buffet lunch, which is something I always look forward too, I love a buffet! Round two of present opening commenced and again the children were spoilt so much and received some lovely bits. We then relaxed the whole afternoon, snacking, drinking and larking around as you do. We always try and play a game of Charades at some point when we all get together.

We stayed the night which is always handy as we both were able to drink. We woke to a english breakfast and then made our exit. Driving home it hit us that it was over. We didn’t hear one christmas song driving back, which is a complete shocker as the day before its all we heard on the radio.

Back home I might of slept the afternoon away while Moo and H {and maybe daddy} played with their new toys!

And in a blink of an eye, its all over for another year….

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